What is One Sixteenth Times Two and One Half?
If you want to know what one sixteenth times two and one half means, you must understand rulers. Every eighth is divided into two sixteenths, for example, half of a seven-eighth inch is 7/16 inches, and one half of a four-eighth inch is 4/8 inches. The same goes for a fifth. You can find anything […]
What is 7/8-1/2?
If you’ve ever wondered, “What is 7/8-1/2?” there’s a simple way to answer your question. Seven eighths times one-half is equal to two-halfs. To find the fraction’s reciprocal, divide by the greatest common factor (GCF).
How Long is Six Millimeters?
How long is six millimeters? This simple trick entails measuring an object one centimeter past its end and multiplying that number by two. That gives you 15 millimeters. And since you’ll need the length of a screwdriver bit, you’ll need to know how to convert this measurement into inches. Fortunately, there are a lot of […]
What is the Half of 1.6?
What is the half of 1.6? Is 1.6 a decimal? Or a fraction? If so, how much is half a kilogram? If half a kilogram is one gram, then the answer is 0.64 g. In other words, half a kilogram is one pound. It also means that Andre lives 1.6 km away from the school. […]
How to Find the Halfway Point Between Two Fractions

When finding the halfway point between two fractions, there are a few steps that need to be followed. First, the denominators of both fractions must be the same. This can be done by finding a common multiple of the two denominators and then changing each fraction to have that denominator. Next, once both fractions have […]
What is the Sum of 1 1/2 1/4 1/8 and One Quarter?

What is the Sum of 1 1/2 1/4 1/8 and One Quarter? When it comes to adding fractions, you need to find a common denominator before you can add the numerators together. In this case, the lowest common denominator is 8. So, we need to convert 1 1/2 and 1/4 into eighths. 1 1/2 becomes […]
What is a Quarter of?
The word “quarter” refers to one-fourth of something. For example, if you and three other people split a pizza, each person will get to eat a quarter of it. One-fourth is 25 percent of something. The term has its roots in Latin and comes from the word “quartus.” Its earliest use was when prisoners were […]
What is the Decimal Equivalent of 5/16?
To solve the problem, find the decimal equivalent of 5/16. You can use the table below to determine the correct decimal form of 5/16. Remember, 5/16 can’t be represented as a mixed number because the numerator is smaller than the denominator. Listed below is the answer, along with steps. It helps students understand how to […]
How to Convert Repeating Decimals Into Fractions

How to Convert Repeating Decimals Into Fractions? If a number has two digits that repeat, it is called a “repeating decimal.” In a basic repeating decimal, one digit repeats and the rest does not, the formula for converting it into a fraction is as follows: 0.4444 = 0.583-. However, in a mixed repeating decimal, the […]
What Rational Number is Between 3/4 and 7/8 in Decimal Form?

Between 3/4 and 7/8 in decimal form, there are an infinite number of rational numbers. To find one specific rational number that is between 3/4 and 7/8, we can use a simple method called finding the arithmetic mean (or average). The arithmetic mean of two numbers is found by adding the two numbers together and […]