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How to Convert Repeating Decimals Into Fractions

How to Convert Repeating Decimals Into Fractions

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How to Convert Repeating Decimals Into Fractions? If a number has two digits that repeat, it is called a “repeating decimal.” In a basic repeating decimal, one digit repeats and the rest does not, the formula for converting it into a fraction is as follows: 0.4444 = 0.583-. However, in a mixed repeating decimal, the repeating number does not repeat until the tenth place.

To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, multiply the number by a power of ten to move the decimal point to the right. Then, find another equation with the same decimal number, and subtract the smaller equation from the larger one to get a fraction. Once the repeating digit is removed, the number is converted to a fraction. Once you have the digits you want, simply multiply them by the remainder of the original fraction, which will give you a fraction.

To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, you must know the meaning of the “repeating” digit. This is an indicator that a number is a repeating one. In some cases, the number may be marked with a dotted line over the repeating digits. For example, 3.7777 is a repeating decimal, but it is written as 3.7. A recurring decimal can be converted into a fraction by solving an equation.

You may wonder how to convert a repeating decimal into a fraction. The answer to this question is in the number’s terminating decimal. The first digit represents the tenth, the next digit is the hundredth, and the next digit is the thousandth. For example, 0.5 means a fifth. For the same reasoning, 0.3125 is a fraction equal to three and a half hundred tenths. In this way, the fraction can be simplified by making it a mixed fraction.

A fraction containing a recurring decimal with an even length has a “cyclic” structure. The ellipsis introduces uncertainty about the number of digits that will repeat. For example, a recurring decimal in the form of a fraction with a coprime of 10 will have a cyclic structure. In this case, the repeated digit is a factor of p – 1.

You must first determine the initial transient. Remember that the initial transient might contain some zeros. For example, 75/100 is a recurring fraction, and 3/4 of a century is a common one. If the initial transient has six digits, then the repeating block is a fraction of pk ql. Then, the repeating block is a three-digit block. Further, a repeating block of z equals four/333.

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