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What is the Decimal Equivalent of 5/16?

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To solve the problem, find the decimal equivalent of 5/16. You can use the table below to determine the correct decimal form of 5/16. Remember, 5/16 can’t be represented as a mixed number because the numerator is smaller than the denominator. Listed below is the answer, along with steps. It helps students understand how to multiply the fraction in decimal form. However, if you are unable to find the correct decimal form, you can try the method described in the steps below.

The denominator of the number 57 is a non-terminating decimal, while the denominator of the decimal expansion of 15/1600 is a terminating one. The final decimal expansion is 29/343, which is a repeating non-terminant. Its denominator is 2m x 5n. For example, 5/16 is 0.0185.

First, the denominator of 5/16 has prime factorization 16 = 2*2*2*2. Secondly, 7/20 is a divisor of two, which is equivalent to 0.714. When it comes to the remainder, the denominator is divisible by two, which gives us the final decimal representation. Lastly, 5/16 can be converted into decimal form by multiplying it by two.

To find the decimal expansion of 5/16, multiply its denominator by a prime factor. Then, divide this number by another prime factor. This will produce the denominator that has a decimal period of a power of 10.

Finally, you must find the terminating decimal for the number 5.716. The decimal expansion of 5/16 will be 1.875. This number has a denominator of one and a non-terminating decimal of two. Assume that the decimal expansion of 5/16 is 158/411.1

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