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What is One Third of 18?

What is One Third of 18?

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What is One Third of 18? How do you calculate one third of an amount? First, look at how many parts of 18 there are. If one of those parts is eight, then one-third of that amount is nine. If another part is five, then one-third of that is five. So, what is one third of eighteen? We can do this by dividing one-third of an amount by three. This is called working with thirds.

To calculate two-thirds of a number, multiply it by two and divide it by three. In our example, two-thirds of eighteen are equal to two-thirds of eighteen. If the number is larger than six-sixteen, you’ll need a calculator or a notepad. A calculator will give you the answer in fractional form, and you can write it in decimal form as 0.667. Notepad users will usually prefer the fractional form.

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