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Is a 32-Inch Door Really 32 Inches Wide?

Is a 32-Inch Door Really 32 Inches Wide?

Is a 32-Inch Door Really 32 Inches Wide? When you’re shopping for a door, it’s helpful to know what the actual width of the door is. A 32-inch door, for example, will need a rough opening of 34 inches wide by 82 inches long. This measurement does not include the gap between the bottom of the door frame and the floor, so you should check with your engineer or architect. If you’re unsure, you can check the door’s dimensions online or with the manufacturer’s website.

Standard width of a single front door is 762mm. However, some codes allow 78-inch doors. These two sizes equal to 6 ft., 8 inches high. Typically, a 32-inch door is actually 31-and-a-half inches wide. The width is measured from the top edge of the door panel, not the door frame itself. In order to avoid confusion, you can ask the store clerk to measure the frame of the door.

A 30″ x 80-inch door will be considered a two-six inch door, and an 80-inch wide one will be six feet-eight inches tall. For example, a 30″ x 80-inch door is a 2′-6″ door, but it will have a rough opening of 32″ x 82 1/2″. Then, you must take into account the door frame’s height and width.

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