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What is the Fraction and Decimal of 125?

What is the Fraction and Decimal of 125

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When it comes to fractions, the number 125 can be written as a fraction in a couple of different ways. For example, it could be written as 125/1 or 25/2. In terms of decimals, 125 would be written as 1.25. So, what exactly is the difference between a fraction and a decimal?

A fraction is a number that represents a part of a whole, whereas a decimal is a number that represents how many tenths (or hundredths, etc.) there are in an object or quantity. When you convert fractions to decimals, you’re essentially finding out how many equal parts the whole can be divided into. For instance, if you have one pizza and you want to divide it equally between four people, each person would get 1/4 of the pizza (or 0.25 if we’re talking about decimals).

Similarly, when you’re converting decimals to fractions, you’re essentially finding out how many parts make up the whole. So, if someone gave you $1.25 and told you they wanted their change back in quarters, they would be asking for five quarters because there are four quarters in a dollar ($0.25 x 4 = $1).


We hope this blog post “What is the Fraction and Decimal of 125?” has helped clear up any confusion you may have had. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to help!

Hey, check out: Decimals Or Fractions?

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