What is 0.125 As a Fraction?

What is 0.125 as a fraction? When it comes to fractions, the number 0.125 can be a bit confusing. This number is actually equal to 1/8, which is a fraction that is often used in many different situations. For example, if you were to divide a pie into eight equal pieces, each piece would be […]
How Tall Should You Be to Wear Size 32 Pants?

Size 32 pants come in three different lengths: regular, short, and long. Regular pants have a thirty-two-inch inseam, whereas short jeans have a thirty-three-inch inseam. Depending on the brand, petite jeans come with a shorter inseam of about one-half to two-thirds of an inch. Short jeans are typically seven inches long, which is an ideal […]
What is the Fraction and Decimal of 125?

When it comes to fractions, the number 125 can be written as a fraction in a couple of different ways. For example, it could be written as 125/1 or 25/2. In terms of decimals, 125 would be written as 1.25. So, what exactly is the difference between a fraction and a decimal? A fraction is […]
Decimals Or Fractions?

Decimals Or Fractions? While we often refer to the US in decimal form, the US has also always used fractions, which is part of the reason why we sometimes have weird unit conversions. For example, one quart is equal to one-fourth of a gallon, and one inch is equivalent to one-twelfth of a foot. Decimals […]
What Size is a 6mm Drill Bit in Inches?
When you’re drilling a hole in a woodworking project, you might be wondering, “What size is a 6mm drill bit in inches?” Luckily, there’s an easy way to determine this size! Just refer to the chart below to get the answer you need! It will show you how to convert the standard sizes of drill […]
What Do Drill Numbers Mean?

One of the most common questions asked by drill users is, “What do drill numbers mean?” This article will explain these questions in greater detail. You may be wondering: “Why do drills have different numbers?” The answer is that drill numbers are used to indicate how fast you should drill. However, the reason behind this […]
What’s the Regular Size For a 10mm Socket?
A 10mm socket is the most common socket size found on most modern vehicles. You probably have at least one on hand, but you may not be aware of what size is most often lost. Whether you’re a dummy or a professional mechanic, the right size is the first thing you should look for. You […]
What Fraction of a Cake is Left Over If You Eat 3/8 of it?
What fraction of a cake is left over when you eat 3/8 of it? Suppose that a cake is baked by Tom and Sam and each of them eats a third of it. After all, a third of a cake is 1/3 of the original cake. So, what fraction of a cake is left over […]
How Do I Type Fractions Into MS Word?
If you want to type fractions in MS Word, you’ve come to the right place. Before you begin, you must open your document. You can do this through the Start screen controls. From the Insert tab, choose the Symbols group. Click the Symbol drop-down button to view the most recently used symbols. If you need […]
The Conversion of Decimal to Binary
Whether you’re learning to program or just curious about what’s happening with the world around you, it’s vital to know how to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers. The binary number system uses a base of two and uses powers of two to represent each place value. The conversion process is much simpler when you […]