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Fractional Conversion

Fractional Conversion

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When it comes to fractions, there are a lot of different ways to represent them. For example, a fraction can be represented as a whole number, a decimal, or a percentage. In order to convert a fraction to a different representation, you need to understand what each representation means.

A whole number is a number that can be divided evenly by 1. For example, 3 is a whole number because it can be evenly divided by 1. A decimal is a number that represents a fractional part of a whole number. For example, 0.5 is a decimal because it represents half of a whole number. A percentage is a number that represents a fractional part of a whole number as a percentage. For example, 50% is a percentage because it represents half of a whole number as a percentage.

To convert a fraction to a whole number, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, if you have the fraction ¾, you would divide 3 by 4 to get the whole number 1. To convert a fraction to a decimal, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, if you have the fraction ¾, you would divide 3 by 4 to get the decimal 0.75

Fractional Conversion Chart

Fraction Decimal
1/64 .0156
1/32 .0313
3/64 .0469
1/16 .0625
5/64 .0781
3/32 .0938
7/64 .1094
1/8 .125
9/64 .1406
5/32 .1563
11/64 .1719
3/16 .1875
13/64 .2031
7/32 .2188
15/64 .2344
1/4 .25
17/64 .2656
9/32 .2813
19/64 .2969
5/16 .3125
21/64 .3281
11/32 .3438
23/64 .3594
3/8 .375
25/64 .3906
13/32 .4063
27/64 .4219
7/16 .4375
29/64 .4531
15/32 .4688
31/64 .4844
1/2 .5
33/64 .5156
17/32 .5313
35/64 .5469
9/16 .5625
37/64 .5781
19/32 .5938
39/64 .6094
5/8 .625
41/64 .6406
21/32 .6563
43/64 .6719
11/16 .6875
45/64 .7031
23/32 .7188
47/64 .7344
3/4 .75
49/64 .7656
25/32 .7813
51/64 .7969
13/16 .8125
53/64 .8281
27/32 .8438
55/64 .8594
7/8 .875
57/64 .8906
29/32 .9063
59/64 .9219
15/16 .9375
61/64 .9531
31/32 .9688
63/64 .9844
1 1

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