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What is Half of Two Thirds?

What is Half of Two Thirds?

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When it comes to fractions, one of the most common questions is “what is half of two thirds?” The answer to this question is pretty simple and can be easily understood with a little bit of explanation.

To start, let’s think about what two thirds actually is. Two thirds is equal to two out of three parts, or 2/3. So when we’re asking what half of two thirds is, we’re really asking what one out of six parts is, or 1/6.

Now that we know what we’re looking for, let’s break it down a little further. One out of six parts means that for every six parts that are divided up, we’ll have one part. So if we have a pie that’s been cut into six pieces, half of two thirds would be one piece of that pie.

Hopefully this makes sense! If you’re still struggling with understanding what half of two thirds is, don’t worry – practice makes perfect. The more you work with fractions, the easier it will become.

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