First, what is a decimal fraction? A decimal is a fraction that is more than ten digits long, which is why it is called a “decimal.” A decimal is made up of a numerator and a denominator, and the number after the decimal point is written as a decimal fraction. The denominator of a fraction is always a power of ten, meaning that the number after the decimal point is a fraction. The number of zeros in the denominator is the same as the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
Using the same logic, we can write a percentage in a fraction as a decimal. For instance, if the number is three, the decimal point lies in a column below the numerator. In other words, the decimal point is on the second line. If the product of two Numbers is ten, then the decimal point is in the first column, so the numerator is ten.
Another example of a decimal is one fifth of a cup. If we want to write this as a decimal, we would say that the fraction has a numerator that is ten. Therefore, if we want to express a five-eighth of a cup, we would write it as 0.2. The same rule applies to one-hundredth of a pound.
Check out this easy Decimal Fraction Cart:
Decimal | Fraction |
1 | 1/2 |
2 | 1/4 |
3 | 3/4 |
4 | 1/8 |
5 | 5/8 |
6 | 3/8 |
7 | 7/8 |
8 | 1/16 |
9 | 9/16 |
Diagram 1:

To simplify math, a decimal is a whole number divided by a decimal. This means that the decimal part has no digits to the left of it. It is also referred to as a “decimal fraction.”
One way to learn to convert fractions to decimals is to practice them on a worksheet. You can use a circular or rectangular model divided into ten or one hundred equal parts. You can explain each decimal number with a decimal equivalent, such as “7 x 125”.
In real life, people use percentages to connect comparisons between amounts. People use percentages when they shop for a car loan, figure out their taxes, or shop for a mortgage. You will find many uses for percentages in the real world. So if you are confused about percentages, you should first read about the different types. It is the most basic type of fraction. And the best part is that it is not difficult to remember.
Diagram 2:

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Hey also do not forget to check out our: How Many Cups is 100 Oz of Water?
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