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What Fraction is Between 2/3 and 3/4?

What Fraction is Between 2/3 and 3/4?

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What Fraction is Between 2/3 and 3/4? By adding the denominators, you get 17/12. This fraction is half way between two thirds and three quarters. The fraction between two thirds and four quarters is 17/24. The denominators of these fractions should match. Therefore, 1/4 + 1/2 = 3/4. So, what fraction is between two thirds and three quarters?

If you are looking for the rational fraction between two thirds and one half, you should look for the rational number between these two numbers. In addition, you can compare the numbers a and b with one another. For example, 17/24 would be the rational fraction between two thirds and three-quarters. Similarly, a rational fraction between two thirds and three-quarters would be 10/3 and seven-two-thirds, and so on. This would be 415.

The fraction between two thirds and one-fourth would not be smaller than two-thirds or greater than three-quarters. This fraction would be the mean of the two fractions. Moreover, the mean of a number is equal to the distance between the lowest and the highest numbers in a number line. The formula for calculating the halfway point is quite general. It would be equivalent to dividing two fractions ‘a’ by two-thirds, ‘b’ by four-thirds, and ‘c’ by four-thirds.

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