To multiply two fractions, you must find the common denominator. The best way to do this is to multiply the denominators one by one. When you have found the common denominator, simplify the fraction and use the result to find the answer. You can also use the least common multiple (LCM) method. It will return the answer in the lowest form.

To solve this problem, you can use a calculator. It is helpful to compare fraction sizes and to use a hexadecimal chart to see how many decimal places the denominator needs to be the same. The fractions 5/16 and x/12 will be equivalent because they have the same denominator. However, fractions with different bottom numbers are not as easy to compare.

How do you know which fraction is greater than less than?
The fraction with the greater numerator is the greater fraction because the numerator is the number of parts that are being considered, and a greater number of parts is a greater quantity. The fraction with the greater denominator is the less fraction because the denominator is the number of parts that the whole is being divided into, and a greater number of parts means that each part is smaller.
Let’s say we’re comparing the fractions 1/4 and 1/8. 1/4 is the greater fraction because it has a numerator of 1 and a denominator of 4, and 1/8 is the less fraction because it has a numerator of 1 and a denominator of 8.
How do you solve greater fractions?
To solve a fraction that is greater than one, divide the numerator by the denominator. Why? Because that is what the fraction bar means. It means divide.
For example,
4/9 is greater than 1. So, divide 4 by 9 to get the answer:
4 ÷ 9 = 0.44444…
How do you multiply fractions?
To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together. Why? This is because when you’re multiplying fractions, you’re really just multiplying the parts that are being divided.
Example: 1/4 x 3/5 = (1×3)/(4×5) = 3/20.
What is 1 4×1 4 as a fraction?
What is the answer of 1 by 3 of 9?
What is 1/3 as a decimal?
What is 3/4 as a percent?
What is 5 over 7 as a decimal?
How do you write 4% as a fraction?
4% = 4/100. Explain: When we convert a percent to a fraction, we place the percent over 100. This is because percents are based on 100. So, 4% means 4 out of 100, or 4/100.
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