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How Can I Figure Out What is 1/8 3/4? Using Fractions?

How Can I Figure Out What is 1/8 3/4? Using Fractions?

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How Can I Figure Out What is 1/8 3/4? Using Fractions? There are a couple of ways to do this. The first way is to multiply the denominator by two. This gives you the answer in either fraction form or decimal form. For example, 3/4 times 1/8 gives 7/8, so you would multiply 3/4 by 0.875. You could also add fractions by using the inverse operation – add up the fractions.

Another method is to multiply the fractions by the LCM (common denominator). The LCM is eight, so the answer is 7/8. This fraction is the LCM of 3/4 plus 1/8. Once you multiply the two fractions, you will be able to calculate the answer. Then, you can write the answer in the same way. Once you’ve written the answer in the same way, you can round it to the nearest fraction.

Using the inverse, we can simplify fractions. For example, 4% means four out of a hundred. So, we can simplify this fraction by dividing the denominator and numerator by four. This will give us the answer of 1/25 or 0.2775. Similarly, 1/5 of seven will give you the answer of 4/25. This approach is a good way to figure out fractions.

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